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John Paul II was unquestionably Pope, who made the most pilgrimages in the entire history. During his pontificate he went on 104 international pilgrimages. He visited 129 countries on all continents. Furthermore, he took more than 140 pastoral visits within Italy. He travelled over 1, 5 million km around the world spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ.

He spoke to millions of people, visited places never visited by any of the previous Popes before. He was famous for knowledge of many languages, through which he had even better contact with people of different nationalities.

Meetings with Him were great events for the faithful; they were of almost mystical nature, very often changing people for their whole future life.

John Paul visited his homeland eight times.

Vth Pilgrimage to Poland

22 May 1995

“The time of trial for Polish consciences continues”- these words John Paul II said during a few-hour visit to some Polish cities: Skoczow, Bielsko- Biala, Zywiec, organized on the occasion of pilgrimage to Czech Republic. The Pope warned against misleading, too broad understanding of tolerance, which, in fact, may become intolerance towards the people believing in God

VIIIth Pilgrimage to Poland

16- 19 August 2002

The last Pilgrimage of Holy Father to Poland was held under the motto “God is full of mercy”. During this visit John Paul II consecrated Krakow’s Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki and he also visited Kalwaria Zabrzydowska